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Vipassana Meditation

Vipassana meditation is generally known as an insight-meditation and it means investigation into things in diverse ways. It is a scientific way to realise the truth about oneself in an experiential level. In particular, truth about dissatisfaction, unhappiness and being miserable that one faces time after time in life. Dissatisfaction at work, unhappiness with home life or misery at a party for example, is what keeps moods down, lets emotion boil up high, the body heats up and breath becomes longer and faster. The eradication of these miseries is the ultimate purpose of vipassana meditation, so that one can live happily. It leads us to direct perception of changing nature of phenomena, Anicca, and finally realisation of non-self, Anatta. Human inability to accept the truth of changing nature leads to an unsatisfactory life, unhappiness and misery which the Buddha called Dukkha. On the contrary, things that change all the time cannot be regarded as a permanent entity. Realisation of this through reflection leads to development of peace, serenity and liberation, Sukha. Nevertheless, these two types of meditation should go hand in hand to get a greater benefit. 


In order to develop this skill, the Buddha introduced basic guidelines in his famous discourse, Mahastipatthana Sutta, the great discourse on the Foundation of Mindfulness, which is divided into four foundations. They are :

  1. Observation of body in the body

  2. Observation of sensations and feelings

  3. Observation of mind process

  4. Observation of mental contents


Our life, according to Buddhism is a combination of mental and physical structures – psycho-physical phenomena. Firstly, a physical phenomenon is called Rupa in Pali. This is the entity that can be seen by our naked eyes, can be heard, can be smelled, and can be touched and also mentally can be noted. It is known as corporality or materiality. It is the combination of earth, water, fire and air elements. It does not feel emotion, cold, heat etc. The second phenomenon, a mental/psycho phenomenon, is called Nama in Pali. This can only be observed and felt mentally. It consist of sensation, perception, formation and consciousness. Although, it is formless, colourless, tasteless it is the basis with which one feels, notices, observes, cognises all six sense activities. According to Buddhism, there are six senses. They are eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind.

In general, these Nama and Rupa, are generally understood as mind and matter, inter-dependent on each other for the existence of life. Vipassana mediation or Insight meditation, therefore, is to learn to be aware of and to observe the true nature of these physical and mental activities at the experiential level. Therefore, the purpose of the insight meditation is to be aware attentively and to observe subjects objectively and its natural condition of change, anicca, dukkha, anatta, as they are instead of as they appeared to be.

When we see things, our naked eyes contact with the visible object that is in front of the eyes and intentionally we observe these two phenomenon mind and matter co-exist at all times. Similarly, hearing a sound ; tasting things touching, smell and thinking : these exist together. The co-existence of these mind and matter can be observed, noticed and experienced through skillful observation. However, it is not easy or simple to notice or to observe its activities simultaneously in normal life. Once needs to have an attentive mind, openness and an ability to notice objectively at all times, this is the faculty of mindfulness.


Therefore, meditation is a set of simple yet powerful mental practices that anyone can apply in their daily lives to live free from miseries, worries, burden and anxiety.

* Click here for Basic guidance on Youtube: 

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