The centre intends to assist finding everyone’s true self, which is priceless. Therefore, all classes and services are free. The centre runs entirely on donation. Your support is essential to run courses. Please ‘Sign gift aid’ form so the centre can claim from your tax payment. Click to download Gift Aid Declaration and send it to the centre.
Ways to support centre and its activities:
Food Offering : Buddhist monks are completely dependent on daily alms and offering of food as the Buddha’s time. Therefore, if you wish to provide food or things that the centre requires please contact the centre.
Monks eat one main meal a day, during lunch time. If you would like to make an offering please arrive at the centre by around 11:00 am.
The centre requires significant amount of toiletries, your offerings are highly appreciated

Online Donations (Bank Transfer):
HSBC, Aberdeen
Name: Varapunya SBS (Varapunya Meditation Centre)
Sort Code: 40-01-25 Account No: 8139-2948
IBAN: GB42HBUK40012581392948
Branch Identifier code: HBUKGB4115T
Standing Order or Direct Debit
Donation through Standing order or direct debit is very helpful to know regular financial support to the centre. Therefore, if you would like to make such an offering please fill Standing Order and return it to the centre or to your bank.

The centre regularly gives freshly cooked foods for the homeless people and struggling to eat due to poverty in Aberdeen.
Every little help make huge difference. So, why wait for share our love and compassion. You can one of them to make changes in our society.
If you want to see positive change and would like to contribute please contact the centre or write a cheque payable to Varapunya SBS and send it to the centre.
2nd Homeless in aberdeen : http://youtu.be/7gnfRiKwdaI
3rd Homeless in Aberdeen : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dQmmFASDvw
4th Homeless Aberdeen : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAr1STCUzos
5th Homeless in Aberdeen : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-isRqCszoxU