Interfaith Mindfulness Day
In collaboration with Aberdeen Interfaith, the Centre annually organises the ‘Interfaith Mindfulness day’ at the Varapunya Meditation Centre and has done for a few years. The theme for the reflection for each year will be different, most likely following the annual theme that the Scottish Government announces for that year’s Mental Health Week.
There are often representatives from many different faiths attending including: Baha’i, Brahma Kumaris, Buddhists, Church of Scotland, Hindus, Humanists, Jews, Mormons, Muslims, Pagans, Quakers, Unitarian Church.
Normally, the day will start with an introduction to walking meditation through the community woodland at Varapunya, where the centre is, in the midst of a reforestation effort.
Mindful Walking is walking mindfully and aware to each steps that one is taking. Further it is to try to observe what is going through mind and what are the reactions to it. It is a practice learn to connect with the mind and nature. The mindful walk is meant to foster a closer connection to nature and ourselves. It is a skill to be in the moment rather than in the thoughts.
After the refreshing walk through the woodland everyone will share stories on the theme as individuals on a personal level and from their respective faiths.
Further reading:
1. Interfaith Stories (booklet final)