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Songkran: Asian New Year Celebration


On the 13th April, Asian countries like, Thailand, Nepal, Sri Lanka etc celebrates it as the Traditional New Year Day. ‘Songkran’ is the Thai name for the New Year, which means transformation or change and is a celebration and merit making event nationwide. People will be travel home and visit their families.

The Songkran festival also known as 'water festival' in Thailand. It is a family day as well as transference merits to ancestor

On the Songkran, three things to be aware of, self development, care members and creating harmonious community. It is possible by understanding what is the blessings in the morning, blessing in the afternoon and blessings in the evening. 


Morning begins with giving alms to the monks, visiting temples, and offering dana to the Buddhist monastics. People should attend the blessing, chanting and pour water on the Buddha statues, monks, elderly, and friends, representing purification, and washing away bad luck. Paying respect to ancestors is the important part of the event.

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Varapunya Buddhist Society (Varapunya Meditation Centre), SC043989

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